This book is titled CSS in Depth, but it is also a book of breadth. Where concepts are difficult or commonly misunderstood, I will explain in detail how they work and why they behave the way they do. In other chapters, I may not exhaust the topic, but I will give you enough knowledge to work effectively with it and point you in the right direction if you wish to further your knowledge. In all, this book will fill in your blind spots.
Some of the topics could warrant entire books on their own: animation, typography, even flexbox and grid layout. My goal is to flesh out your knowledge, help you bolster your weak spots, and give you a love for the language.
First and foremost, this book is for developers who are tired of fighting with CSS and are ready to really understand how it works. You may be a beginner, or you may have fifteen years of experience.
The book is 16 chapters long, divided into four parts.
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